Seasonal Updates on things around my yard & garden

Every season has its own color and nature's cycle of life. Here are some from my yard/garden.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Robin on Pink dogwood Tree

This is not at my yard but at my friend's house in Arlington. They have this pink dogwood tree in the backyard. Robin happened to be on the tree when we visited.  We have a pair of robin around the house, but never had a chance of getting a good picture. This one was just resting on the tree - "posing" for me.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Japanese Maple

This maple's main branch was broken off in 2010 winter due to a heavy wet snow, and some of the remain branched were patched up with tapes. It survived and this year it is growing well. Hope it will get its shape back.

Azalea about to bloom

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Chinese Red Holly flowering

Lots of flowers this year. There will be a lot of red berries. That will be real nice.


This is supposed to be "red" dogwood according to the label came with the tree. Guess not, it's white, unless it will turn into red later.