Seasonal Updates on things around my yard & garden
Thursday, June 23, 2011
My favorite view
Annuals on the side - May 2011

Stones are all from the yard collected when digging/cleaning.
Azalea - May 2011

Satsuki azalea is a Cultivar Group of azaleas extensively cultivated by the Japanese. The botanical name is Rhododendron indicum. It grows wild in the mountains of Japan.
Satsuki azaleas have a diversity of flower forms and color patterns with multiple patterns often appearing on a single plant. Satsuki bloom from May to June; the name “Satsuki” in Japanese is reference to their blooming period, the fifth month of the Asian lunar calendar. They are commonly used as a subject in bonsai and many bonsai enthusiasts and shows are dedicated solely to them. There are thousands of different varietys, but some popular ones are chinzan, kaho, gyoten, osakasuki, eikan, nikko, hakurei, hakurin, kinsai, and many more.
The Knockout Roses - May 2011

Kanzan Cherry - May 2011

サクラは、バラ科サクラ属サクラ亜属に分類される木であり、落葉広葉樹である。春に白色や淡紅色から濃紅色の花を咲かせ、日本人に古くから親しまれている。また、果実を食用とするほか、花や葉の塩漬けも食品などに利用され、海外においては、一般的に果樹としての役割のほうが重視された。環境がよければ寿命は非常に長く、老木として著名な日本五大桜の内神代桜は樹齢が1800年を超えているとされる。(Source: wikipedia, Japanese:
Prunus serrulata is a small deciduous tree with a short single trunk, with a dense crown reaching a height of 8–12 metres (26–39 ft). The smooth bark is chestnut-brown, with prominent horizontal lenticels. The leaves are arranged alternately, simple, ovate-lanceolate, 5-13 cm long and 2.5-6.5 cm broad, with a short petiole and a serrate or doubly serrate margin. At the end of autumn, the green leaves turn yellow, red or crimson. (Source: Wikipedia, English -
Rhododendron & Tulips - May 2011

Rhododendron subg. Hymenanthes is a subgenus of the genus Rhododendron, with a widespread distribution in the temperate Northern Hemisphere. The species are evergreen shrubs and small to medium-sized trees (up to 20 m tall), with medium-sized to large leaves (very large, over 40 cm long, in a few species). The flowers are large, produced in terminal trusses of 5-40 together.
Shakunage: Rhodoendron, subcategory: Hymenathes
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Robin & Iris - June 2011
Peony - May 2011

「立てば芍薬 座れば牡丹 歩く姿は百合の花」という言葉がある。
Standing figure is like Shakuyaku(peony), sitting figure is like Bottan(peony), and walking figure is like Yuri (lily).
シャクヤク(芍薬)はボタン科の多年草。学名 Paeonia lactiflora。 高さ約60cm。葉は複葉。初夏、大形の紅・白色などのボタンに似た花を開く。 In Chinese, 芍藥 "sháoyao" (literally: "most beautiful")
Paeonia lactiflora, also Chinese Peony (芍 or 白芍 in Chinese; pinyin: sháo or bái sháo; bái meaning "white"), and common garden peony is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the family Paeoniaceae, native to central and eastern Asia from eastern Tibet across northern China to eastern Siberia. It is about 60–100 cm tall with large compound leaves 20–40 cm long. The flower buds are large and round, opening into large flowers 8–16 cm diameter, with 5-10 white, pink, or crimson petals and yellow stamens.
Peony or paeony is a name for plants in the genus Paeonia, the only genus in the flowering plant family Paeoniaceae. They are native to Asia, southern Europe and western North America. Boundaries between species are not clear and estimates of the number of species range from 25 to 40.
Source: Wikipedia (
ボタン(牡丹、学名:Paeonia suffruticosa)は、ボタン科ボタン属の落葉小低木。または、ボタン属(Paeonia)の総称。 別名は「富貴草」「富貴花」「百花王」「花王」「花神」「花中の王」「百花の王」「天香国色」 「名取草」「深見草」「二十日草(廿日草)」「忘れ草」「鎧草」「ぼうたん」「ぼうたんぐさ」など多数。(Source: Wikipedia -
牡丹が「花王」と呼ばれるのに対し、芍薬は花の宰相、「花相」と呼ばれる。ボタンが樹木であるのに対して、シャクヤクは草である。Paeonia suffruticosa, the tree peony, is a species of peony native to China. It is known as 牡丹 "mǔdān" in Chinese and is an important symbol in Chinese culture.
牡丹 is a tree and シャクヤク is a grass/plant, according to this. So, what I have is シャクヤク, though both are called peony, but a different group. I didn't know this.
Blueberry - June 2011
Planting Yoshino Cherry & Knockout Roses - May 2011

Prunus × yedoensis (Yoshino cherry; Japanese: 染井吉野 somei-yoshino) is a hybrid cherry of unknown origin, probably between Prunus speciosa as father plant andPrunus pendula f. ascendens as mother.[1] It occurs as a natural hybrid in Japan and is now one of the most popular and widely-planted cultivated flowering cherries (sakura) in temperate climates worldwide.[2][3]
It is a small, deciduous tree that at maturity grows to be 5 to 12 metres (16–39 ft) (rarely 15 metres (49 ft) ) tall. It grows well in hardiness zones 5-8 and does well in full sun and moist but well drained soil. The leaves are alternately arranged, 6 to 15 centimetres (2.4–5.9 in) long and 4 to 7 centimetres (1.6–2.8 in) broad, with a serrated margin; they are often bronze-toned when newly emerged, becoming dark green by summer. The flowers emerge before the leaves in early spring; they are fragrant, 3 to 3.5 centimetres (1.2–1.4 in) in diameter, with five white or pale pink petals. The flowers grow in clusters of five or six together. The fruit, a small cherry, is a globose drupe 8 to 10 millimetres (0.31–0.39 in) in diameter; they are an important source of food for many small birds and mammals, including robins and thrushes. The fruit contain little flesh and much concentrated red juice, which can stain clothing and brick. The fruit is only marginally sweet to the human palate.[2][3] somei-yoshino) is a hybrid cherry of unknown origin, probably between Prunus speciosa as father plant andPrunus pendula f. ascendens as mother.[1] It occurs as a natural hybrid in Japan and is now one of the most popular and widely-planted cultivated flowering cherries (sakura) in temperate climates worldwide.[2][3]
It is a small, deciduous tree that at maturity grows to be 5 to 12 metres (16–39 ft) (rarely 15 metres (49 ft) ) tall. It grows well in hardiness zones 5-8 and does well in full sun and moist but well drained soil. The leaves are alternately arranged, 6 to 15 centimetres (2.4–5.9 in) long and 4 to 7 centimetres (1.6–2.8 in) broad, with a serrated margin; they are often bronze-toned when newly emerged, becoming dark green by summer. The flowers emerge before the leaves in early spring; they are fragrant, 3 to 3.5 centimetres (1.2–1.4 in) in diameter, with five white or pale pink petals. The flowers grow in clusters of five or six together. The fruit, a small cherry, is a globose drupe 8 to 10 millimetres (0.31–0.39 in) in diameter; they are an important source of food for many small birds and mammals, including robins and thrushes. The fruit contain little flesh and much concentrated red juice, which can stain clothing and brick. The fruit is only marginally sweet to the human palate.[2][3] (Wikipedia)
ソメイヨシノ(染井吉野、学名:Prunus × yedoensis)とはエドヒガン系の桜とオオシマザクラの交配で生まれたサクラの園芸品種である[1]。現代の観賞用サクラの代表種であり、「吉野桜」と表記する場合もある。またエドヒガンとオオシマザクラを交配したものすべてを「ソメイヨシノ」ということもあり、狭義のソメイヨシノを二名法の「ソメイヨシノ ’ソメイヨシノ’」と書く場合もある。
東京の染井村(現豊島区駒込の一部)から広まった吉野ザクラとして、ソメイヨシノという和名が与えられた。ソメイヨシノは、竹中要の実験によればオオシマザクラとエドヒガンの自然交配種であるとされる。今日全国で最も広く植栽されているサクラだが、明治の初期にはまだめずらしかった。このソメイヨシノに Prunus yedoensis という学名を与えたのは植物学の第二代教授となった松村任三で植物学雑誌一五巻(一九〇一年)に発表された。yedoensis は江戸産のという意味である。 |
Weeping Cherry - May 2011

Iris - May 2011
Azalea Lollipop - Spring 2011

"Summer flowering deciduous azalea that produces very fragrant pink flowers with a light pink and yellow flare in mid-June. No Mildew problems. Great early fall color of red-orange tones."
Azalea Lollipop
hybrid groups
- Weston
type codes (what kind of plant this is):
- [dec]iduous - the plant drops all its leaves during the winter
Azaleas (