Seasonal Updates on things around my yard & garden

Every season has its own color and nature's cycle of life. Here are some from my yard/garden.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My favorite view

Behind the bench  is a Dogwood tree (with white flowers, not yet bloomed) planted last year. 

Dogwood Tree
The name "dog-tree" entered the English vocabulary by 1548, and had been further transformed to "dogwood" by 1614. Once the name dogwood was affixed to this kind of tree, it soon acquired a secondary name as the Hound's Tree, while the fruits came to be known asdogberries or houndberries (the latter a name also for the berries of black nightshade, alluding to Hecate's hounds). Another theory advances the view that "dogwood" was derived from the Old English dagwood, from the use of the slender stems of its very hard wood for making 'dags' (daggers, skewers, and arrows).
Another, earlier name of the dogwood in English is the whipple-tree. Geoffrey Chaucer uses "whippletree" in The Canterbury Tales ("The Knight's Tale", verse 2065) to refer to the dogwood. A whippletree is an element of the traction of a horse-drawn cart, linking the drawpole of the cart to the harnesses of the horses in file; these items still bear the name of the tree from which they are commonly carved.
|英名 =[[w:Flowering Dogwood|Flowering Dogwood]] ...も言われる。ハナミズキ(花水木、学名:Benthamidia florida)はミズキ科ミズキ属ヤマボウシ亜属の落葉高木北アメリカ原産。別名、アメリカヤマボウシハナミズキの名はミズキの仲間で花が目立つことに由来する。また、アメリカヤマボウシの名はアメリカ原産で日本の近縁種のヤマボウシに似ていることから。ハナミズキは英語ではdogwoodと呼ばれる。dogwoodの語源には諸説あるが、一説には17世紀頃に樹皮の煮汁が皮膚病治療に使用されたためと言われ、他には木製の串(英古語:dag,dog)を作る材料に使われる堅い木であったことからとも言われる。ただし、犬の皮膚病治療に使ったとされるdogwoodは、同じミズキ科の植物でもセイヨウサンシュユと考えられており、ハナミズキとは異なる。

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